May 14, 2010


This is what we woke up to on Tuesday, May 11th!


May 10, 2010

Dear CRRA Member,

Please note that all trailers and vehicles must be off the lot by the 15th of May or else a fine of $50 per day will be incurred. That is this weekend.

The Spring clean up work party and BBQ will be held this year on June 12th with a rain date of June 19th. The BBQ will be hosted at the Schmidt’s cabin, #102. Meet at the parking lot at 8:30am for breakfast rolls, juice and coffee with work details to start at 9:00. For the BBQ please bring a pot luck item to share and chairs. Drinks and BBQ chicken or pork will be provided. A $25 per lot credit on 2011 dues will be awarded to those members who participate in the work projects.

The Association’s gate cameras can now be accessed online if you want to check road conditions, weather, visitors, etc at the gate. There is also secure wireless internet access in the vicinity of the gate shack for members. If you are interested in either of these features, please contact either Richard Schmidt ( or Stephanie Weems ( for access instructions. Please rely on the Association website ( for up to date information about Association announcements, events, and business.

Richard Schmidt


With Lowell out of the country, I thought it would be good to pass on some Canyon Rim updates to you all.

The electronic gate is now unlocked and available for access to Canyon Rim. Several road sections still had snow last weekend (especially the road right below the water tanks on the way to the upper lots) but almost all of the snow on the roads should be gone by this weekend. Some areas will still be very muddy.

We have not yet been able to identify where the water leak is so some of the cabins may not have water as we continue to manage water flow by isolating various parts of the line to determine the location of the leak. Progress has been difficult due to the weather and the challenge of finding the leak while much of the area is still very wet due to the snow melt. All members are asked to check their cabins, water meters, lines and surrounding areas and report any possible leaks to Delrie Gale or any Board Member.

As of last weekend there were still a couple trailers in the parking lot. We are past the date that the property owner allows us to keep trailers in the lot and they must be removed no later than this weekend.

Thanks and enjoy the spring at Canyon Rim!