The Spring membership meeting will be held on Wednesday April 16th at the Holladay Public Library meeting room, 2150 East Murray-Holladay Rd. (4730 South), Salt Lake City starting at 6:30 pm. The Library is located just a few blocks east of the Cottonwood Mall. All members are welcome to attend.
Items for discussion include review of finances, approval of the 2008 budget, planned maintenance and upgrade projects for roads, bridges and water system, and creation of a long range planning group. If you have any other items you wish to discuss at the meeting, please contact Lowell Gill so these can be added to the agenda. A summary of our current account balances and all income and expenses for 2007 is enclosed.
Also, we are tentatively planning to hold our annual spring clean up event on June 21st, with the 28th as an alternative rain date. Participants will earn a $25 credit on their 2009 annual dues.